Thursday, May 10, 2012

My first blog.

And it begins!

This is my first blog ever and to be honest I'm not sure how much I'll have to say. Mostly this will be a crochet-gardening-cooking- random bs from my life blog. So probably not very interesting to the vast majority of the interwebz. For the few of you that do end up reading this I apologize...really, you should probably try to get something productive done instead. Like late night cinnamon buns.

So just to make my first post slightly less boring here is a picture of an adorable animal.

Every year I go to the L.A. County Fair and I make sure to cuddle this sheep for at least 30 minutes. Maybe even come back and cuddle it more after that because it is the most cuddly sheep in the world. You pet its adorable face and it closes its eyes and stands there and is adorable the entire time. Most of those petting zoo animals only let you pet them for the food but this one isn't a gluttonous jerk like the rest.

Tips for spotting the most cuddly petting zoo animals.

Tip 1: Note the greedy look in the spotted goats eyes and lack of personal space given. In contrast the adorable sheep's eyes are closed and dreamy looking.

Tip 2: Did the animal try to eat your clothes? Probably don't want to give more food to a petting zoo animal that just tried to eat parts of you. Unless you are very small, then you throw your food and run.

Tip 3: Don't make eye contact with a llama. Really this should go without saying. If you're alive today its because you've never made eye contact with a llama.

So those are my 3 best tips for spotting the best petting zoo animals. These tips could save your life someday!


  1. Replies
    1. It smells like a sheep. Not too bad. Kinda musty and hay like but I doubt they get bathed all the time at the petting zoo lol. When I was raising lambs for FFA I just made sure they were shaved down often and washed them with woolite laundry detergent once a month or so and they were fine.

  2. LOL That was a funny blog and also had useful info. Llamas are bastards.

    1. Of course my blog is funny! Did you expect anything less? And yes llamas are bastards.
